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Following Jesus
Growing Together
Every Sunday - 10:30am
We are a family of believers dedicated to knowing and representing Jesus and His Kingdom in our generation, and beyond.
We’re faith-filled and excited about all the good things God is doing right now, and thankful that we get to be a part of it!
Who We AreNew Life Church is a vibrant community devoted to Jesus Christ. We believe that God is good, and that all areas of life are transformed by the love of God- individuals, families, cities, and nations. The atmosphere at New Life Church is marked by the presence of God, and by genuine connection and care for people. Our desire is to partner with Jesus to express the hope, joy, and power of His Kingdom in our everyday life.
What We BelieveThat there is one true God who has expressed Himself in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. That the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. ​ We believe that humankind was created in the image of God to know and enjoy Him, yet all mankind has sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation. Because of this sickness, death, and judgment entered the world and now creation experiences the effects and consequences of sin. We believe that we are saved by God’s grace, through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. His death, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the Father has provided a restoration of relationship between God and man. This is for those who believe in Jesus Christ’s finished work and repent for their sin. We believe in the victorious, redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides freedom from the power of the enemy – sin, lies, sickness, and torment. The baptism of the Holy Spirit and the accompanying speaking in tongues gives the believer the power to live an abundant life of witness, victory, and fruitfulness. We believe in God’s love for people and His desire to see them delivered, healed, and set free from bondage by the power of His Spirit. We believe in the cleansing power of water baptism and the flow of life found in the breaking of bread. His church is the means God has chosen to preach the gospel to the nations and advance His Kingdom in all the earth. The overcoming, glorious Church is His bride for whom He will return and gather to Himself. There will be a resurrection of the saved and the lost, one to everlasting life and one to everlasting death.
Find Us At
4014 Wallace Point Road,
Peterborough ON K9J 6Y3
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